Getting healthier…. on my list of things to do!!

Just posting in here to keep me accountable…
I am planning on starting a Lose baby weight program as of Monday… silly to start this weekend with all the chocolate and hot cross buns around… but I am starting on Monday.
I have lost weight before and I know how rewarding… and also how hard it is to stick with. So I am planning things ahead of time so that I don’t fall into the trap of if you fail to plan you plan to fail!
Measurements done… not sharing at this stage tho…
Goals: My goal is to lose the belly, get fitter and have a healthier diet… Why? It feels good, it looks good and its good for my breastmilk supply which in turn is good for my baby! So it helps fulfill my role as mother too… I will have more energy and feel in a better mood.

My one hang up is the cost… doesn’t it always seem to cost more to eat healthily… cost is a big issue around here at present… but I suppose that you need to start somewhere and that the cost of being unhealthy can in the long run end up more anyway.

My plan is to have smoothies once or twice a day, replace highcalorie, high sugar snacks for healthier and more satisying ones.
I plan to force myself to walk more again by getting hubby to take the car to work so I have to walk to do the school run (this worked so well when I couldn’t drive cos of the c-section… so now I need to remove the temptation to be lazy!!)
I also need to remove from my sight any tempting foods. Its just too hard when the choccie bikkies are staring you in the face!! I will allow myself some little indulgences of this nature but no more than 2-3 time in the week. (wow… hope I can stick to that).
My ultimate goal is to lose about 13kg… so we shall see how long this takes me.
I plan to log my food so I know exactly what is going in my mouth and I will aim to build up gradually in terms of my exercise.
There…. I have laid out the bare bones of what I will try to achieve…. so now.. I have to JUST DO IT!
Who’s with me?

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