Archive | June 2013

gotta get back on track…

well its been ages since my last post… so much has happened!

Firstly I am 12 wks pregnant with bubby number 4!! Crazy but planned and true!!

The impact of this is huge though as I cannot take my neutropenia medication while I am pregnant so I really need to be aware of my body and its limits right now in many ways.  I am thankful that this pregnancy though I will not need to work… the first pregnancy I won’t have to work a single day… for the way God has taken us through such financial hardship I am thankful as if we didn’t make the choices and plans we did 18 months ago  I would need to be working right now just to pay our credit card repayments.

I am struggling a little keeping up with my routines and it is a frustration to me when I was doing so well for so long! but what can you do but take it 5 mins at a time and just do what you can do.

I know I will get back to being a fit healthy me gradually and the routines will take their place again as they can…

any suggestions on how to stay on top of things while pregnant with kids would be appreciated!