Archive | January 2012

So.. what’s really important to me?

Defining my values: Week 2 of the HLS challenge.
This one is all about defining my core values… it wasn’t easy really. I found it a real challenge but worthwhile to re-assess where I am headed and what I really feel at this stage of my life is important.
I am a born again Christian and I believe in Jesus who is my Lord and Saviour son of the one true God… there is none so great as him. I owe him my life but can never repay it. This is number 1 because the importance of this defines the rest of what is important to me in life. I believe that without my faith in God the rest of my life has no value anyway and because of the Grace of God I am accepted and loved because of Jesus.
I am inspired by the faith of people in my bible study particularly Louise with her hospitality, faithfulness in prayer and the way she mentors me. I love the constant reminder Marilyn is ever conscious of God’s sovereignty and the fact that despite adversity he is in control.
1 Corinthians 13: 4-8
“4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails.”

Knowing I am loved by God is something I value so much. Love encompasses so much of what is important to me. I am encouraged by the fact that “love never fails”.
I really value the time I spend with those I love most… my family… we seem to spend so much time as mum’s doing stuff for our family we can tend to forget to foster a loving relationship with our family members… so for me re-establishing this as an important value is just what I needed. . My family is one of the highest priorities I have in this life… it is my place as a loving wife and mum to support them and create an enjoyable life for them.
3 Perseverance-
James 1:2-4
“2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

I have been inspired by this verse for as long as I can remember… it reminds me that I am a work in progress. That I should focus on making progress not perfection… because I won’t be perfect this side of heaven.
Perseverance in my own self-improvement and continuing to dig deep and develop my strengths and build up my weaknesses is something I try to keep working on.
I also have experienced a lot of health struggles in my life and so persevering through that has made this something I really value.
Persevering with my organization in my home and life is a challenge but I am inspired by many of the organizers I have found on the net in terms of how organized and logical their routines are… I love routine but need to persevere in order to keep it working well.
My husband and I are both teachers and so education is something I see as really important… but not just what we learn in school… learning new skills and passing on what skills other family member have.
For example I have started to learn how to sew and crochet… inspired by my 88 year old Grandmother. My mum taught me to knit years ago and I am still able to do that.
So now I have those skills to pass on to my daughter and my son if he chooses… and also teaching them what is really important in life… it’s all about lifelong learning.
5. Freedom
I love the freedom I have in Christ. The freedom I have in this country to live this kind of lifestyle. I look forward to my “me time” where I have the freedom to re-charge my batteries and energy to do all I need to do in my life.
It’s great to know that I also have the freedom to make mistakes and that when I do it doesn’t mean I am a bad person… this is something I have really struggled with and is part of what I need to let go of as it leads to my anxiety and depression.
I choose to use my “me time” to do, knitting, scrapbooking, reading, crochet, baking, watching my favourite tv shows and catching up with friends in small groups. I suppose more recently I can add blogging to my list as well. 
So there we go… my top 5 values… Faith, Love, Perseverance, Learning and Freedom.
I want to serve God in my role as a wife a mother and create a lovely space for my family to live where I have the time and energy to enjoy them and watch them grow. I want to spend more quality time with my husband and grow to love him more each day and appreciate the strength he is to this family. I would love to be able to have more time at home and less of my energy spent working for an income. I want to invest more time and effort in my God given roles as wife and mother, sister and daughter… friend.

Count your 2011 Blessings!! Week 1 HLS challenge.

Simplified life week 1 challenge…
So I need to start from a positive place and focus on what things did go right in 2011. Love this approach… as all too soon the new year moves on and you have lost your fresh start… but the year is never ALL bad!!
So lets see..
I was energised by the happiness of my little boy… while it is sometimes exhausting he really does motivate you to get up and go and play roaring dinosaurs or something around the house!

I felt really happy finding out I was pregnant for the third time round… we had been trying for 6 months and I was concerned it wouldn’t happen… but God granted the desires of my heart and I am happy and thankful.
Another happy moment in 2011 was celebrating my 10th Wedding anniversary and hubby had organised for us to go to where we had our first date. What a romantic guy!

I felt at peace knowing the date of my unborn childs birth… ironic in a way… but I have had 2 previous emergency c-sections and agonised over the birth plan through my last pregnancy… I really felt peaceful knowing it was set… though a c-section would not be my choice of childbirth again for my first one.. but for this time it felt great not stressing over whether or not I will go into labour or not.. just at peace knowing there is nothing I can do about it and my baby will be born at the appointed time.
Another thing that makes me calm and peaceful is listening to music… I found when I am anxious or uptight I can really turn my day around by listening to uplifting music… like “The Climb” or something.

I am really thankful for the people who helped me so much through the year with such sickness in the family. For each meal that was provided and people offering to look after my kids when I needed that support. It was very humbling for me taking this help but it was a real boost knowing I wasn’t alone and that support was close by. A lot of my bible study group have helped in this way… but others too!!
Some of the self care things that helped were going for my very first pedicure and getting my toenails done in bright red!! 

Getting together with family for a surprise birthday BBQ… thanks hubby for organising. We also had a lovely get together for both my kids birthdays this year.. nice to have these special times with some of the extended family.

Was great to delve into some new experiences in my “me time” last year.. I had learned to sew a little and make some presents for the family. I also had started to crochet a little blanket for my new little one when they are here.

I learned
-that its better for me to be solutions focused rather than problem centred.
-that I need to see how far I have come and acknowledge my achievements rather than being down on myself for not getting things perfectly right
-I am a worrier… and I need to work on how I manage my worry and anxiety levels because if I don’t it leads to stress and depression.
-I am valued, I am respected, I am a work in progress and I am loved!!!

So… bring on 2012 so I can continue this positive journey and share what I am learning to bless others.

Plans and Potential….?

I wanted to share about my crazy but also great day today.
I posted on my facebook status this morning that today had the potential to be a great day… well the irony of that statement as I reflect now is pretty amazing.
Today I had plans… my daughter was spending the day with her Nana and my son was spending the day with his poppy. I had a Dr appointment (OB check up… 7 wks to go!) for 10am not far from “poppy’s place”. Now I had planned so well that I had even arranged a picnic lunch for hubby and I and to go down to the river after my appointment for some “us” time (also cheaper than a restaurant..and we are on a very tight budget this month!).
Sounds like a great plan right? Beautiful weather… a little hot but beautiful, kid free for a few hours.. perfect?
So how did it all pan out? I got to the drs surgery after dropping of the kids and the receptionist says that my appointment isn’t til tomorrow!! Oh No! I explained that I was sure my reminder card said it was today and she took pity on me and said that the Dr would be in from 2pm! That was a lot of time to kill. But I took it anyway.
So hubby and I decided to go and do a bit of shopping (which we had also planned) and got to the shops. Hubby needed a drink so I tell him there is some water in the picnic bag…. only… turns out… he forgot to put the picnic bag in the car!!! I was about to boil over at this point… no food, no drink, no appointment…
So thinking about just trying to make the best of this disaster we did our bit of shopping and decided to go home again (30 mins away) and drop the fridge stuff at home, grabbed a cuppa and then grabbed the infamous picnic bag and went back to have our picnic….. finally!!!

It was lovely there and we even had time for a little stroll (though not far as I am feeling so huge lately at 32 wks pregnant!) It was then just about time for my new 2pm appointment so we went and did all that… everything good with bubby. Went to pay the account and the receptionist told me that we had come to the expensive standard checkup and it would be $300!!! Wasnt’ expecting that..but fortunately she was happy to get us to pay it next time… in 2 wks! Thanks God!

We picked up my son and started to head home… an exhausting and mixed up day… was nearly over. I then saw at the side of the road 3 doors… the exact type we had been unable to afford for so long … these were a little grubby but unused and the perfect ones we needed! I couldnt’ believe the providence of God at this time. We have been wanting these for ages and just havent’ found it in the budget… and yet at home we have the paint we need for it out as we were painting the babys wardrobe in it. Perfect!!

So I had my plans… and the day had potential… and as I just tried to make the best of things God’s plan was presented perfectly to me.. and I am so thankful!
I just think amongst all the planning we do to make our lives orgnanised and run smoothly we need to expect that things won’t always turn out the way we expect. Keep focussing on the potential of a situation and just make the best of it… you never know where it may take you!

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”
Jeremiah 29:11

Ready, Set, Go!!

Hi I am Beck….

Well first day of the new year… Ready, Set, here we go!!!

I am testing out this new blog idea. I would really like a place where I can keep track of the goals I have made for the year.

I am still learning at present but would just love it if anyone wants to share the journey with me.

I am a mum of 2… soon to be 3 and have been married for 10 years.

I would love to explore the option of being a Stay at home mum full time… for now I get to try that for a while as I will be on leave from my work.

It would be great to see how others also work through their goals for 2012 as well.

Here is to a Simpler, Happier, Healthier and more Sorted 2012!!!