Plans and Potential….?

I wanted to share about my crazy but also great day today.
I posted on my facebook status this morning that today had the potential to be a great day… well the irony of that statement as I reflect now is pretty amazing.
Today I had plans… my daughter was spending the day with her Nana and my son was spending the day with his poppy. I had a Dr appointment (OB check up… 7 wks to go!) for 10am not far from “poppy’s place”. Now I had planned so well that I had even arranged a picnic lunch for hubby and I and to go down to the river after my appointment for some “us” time (also cheaper than a restaurant..and we are on a very tight budget this month!).
Sounds like a great plan right? Beautiful weather… a little hot but beautiful, kid free for a few hours.. perfect?
So how did it all pan out? I got to the drs surgery after dropping of the kids and the receptionist says that my appointment isn’t til tomorrow!! Oh No! I explained that I was sure my reminder card said it was today and she took pity on me and said that the Dr would be in from 2pm! That was a lot of time to kill. But I took it anyway.
So hubby and I decided to go and do a bit of shopping (which we had also planned) and got to the shops. Hubby needed a drink so I tell him there is some water in the picnic bag…. only… turns out… he forgot to put the picnic bag in the car!!! I was about to boil over at this point… no food, no drink, no appointment…
So thinking about just trying to make the best of this disaster we did our bit of shopping and decided to go home again (30 mins away) and drop the fridge stuff at home, grabbed a cuppa and then grabbed the infamous picnic bag and went back to have our picnic….. finally!!!

It was lovely there and we even had time for a little stroll (though not far as I am feeling so huge lately at 32 wks pregnant!) It was then just about time for my new 2pm appointment so we went and did all that… everything good with bubby. Went to pay the account and the receptionist told me that we had come to the expensive standard checkup and it would be $300!!! Wasnt’ expecting that..but fortunately she was happy to get us to pay it next time… in 2 wks! Thanks God!

We picked up my son and started to head home… an exhausting and mixed up day… was nearly over. I then saw at the side of the road 3 doors… the exact type we had been unable to afford for so long … these were a little grubby but unused and the perfect ones we needed! I couldnt’ believe the providence of God at this time. We have been wanting these for ages and just havent’ found it in the budget… and yet at home we have the paint we need for it out as we were painting the babys wardrobe in it. Perfect!!

So I had my plans… and the day had potential… and as I just tried to make the best of things God’s plan was presented perfectly to me.. and I am so thankful!
I just think amongst all the planning we do to make our lives orgnanised and run smoothly we need to expect that things won’t always turn out the way we expect. Keep focussing on the potential of a situation and just make the best of it… you never know where it may take you!

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, β€œplans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”
Jeremiah 29:11

10 thoughts on “Plans and Potential….?

  1. Fantastic way to end the day of potential. A big lesson for me this year was accepting that when things work out differently than planned it is not wrong or a failed situation, it is what was to be – where it all plays out has just not been revealed or I have not figured it out yet. Hubby once got cut off by a car while travelling with a friend this year and they were annoyed. Two streets ahead a car slammed into the car in front of them (the one that cut them off) and the passenger side got pushed in (where hubby was sitting meaning he would have been the victim) – things happen for a reason sometimes (most of the time really – even bad things in my opinion)

    • Wow Deb… what a story.. you know I do often think that I should be thankful when I end up behind a slow driver… maybe down the road there is a reason… that I just don’t know about… (and maybe it is just a way of God teaching me patience..)
      Thanks for sharing. xx

  2. What a delightful post! I love the spirit with which you chose to deal with your day of unexpectedness – I definitely need to take a leaf out of your book as I battle on this afternoon in a forty degree office with no air con!

    • Thanks Lyndal for your kinds words..
      I am really encouraged by your response..
      I know what its like to be hot and have no a/c…. we don’t have a/c in our classrooms at work.. but also I am preggars so I felt like fainting all the time.
      I remember with my son 2 yrs ago being very pregnant that summer and our home a/c broke… I took lots of cold showers that summer… lol

  3. Lovely to read your perspective on plans that don’t work. My husband and I rarely have time to ourselves and when we do something always goes wrong. I suppose it is the spending time together that counts and not what you are doing!

    • it is a real challenge to get time with our hubbies when life is so busy… we have made it one of our goals this year to be deliberate in booking it into our monthly calendar… we have to make it happen because without a deliberate effort it simply falls by the wayside with the rest of life’s business.
      I hope you can find a way to get more time together too!! πŸ™‚

  4. Loved your post. A great perspective and revelation at the end of the day. Things certainly do happen for a reason – As much as it’s nice to have all things lined up (I’m still in the throws of learning what will be will be btw), the ‘surprise’ factor within a moment/day certainly helps to understand being patient, enjoy time, find strength and give courage. All important life lessons, hard to see in the moment (gosh I know) but usually upon reflection comes appreciation. Thank you so much for sharing your day…..

    • Love the mantra progress not perfection … I need to keep cmoing back to that!
      Thanks for your kind and encouraging words… making the best of any situation for me is a challenge but it really is well worth it… and seeing the positive in things helps you out of the negative feelings a lot more quickly…
      I really am learning to laugh at situations in life… its just too short and dull otherwise!! I mean who are we to have everything go smoothly and perfectly all the time anyway!! Thats life.. learn to love it I say!! πŸ™‚

  5. Great post. Thanks for reminding me that when plans change it’s not a bad thing. There is a reason for everything and the universe always looks after us. Best wishes for the next few weeks and the arrival of your bundle of joy.

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