Its time….

Well I figure that because today marks 6 weeks since my beautiful baby girl was born, that I had best make an effort to get back to blogging…
I am happy to say that I feel a bit more relaxed about getting everything done right now than what I previously have after babies.
I am working on prioritising what is really important… a constant task really, especially with a newborn. The other day I had a great big plan of what I wanted to do while my eldest was at school and my 3yo was at preschool… only my bub had other ideas and decided she wanted to feed most the day! So plans sometimes by necessity need to go out the window!!! Its ok.. I was actually thinking in my head while trying to settle her down after the first 2 hours… its ok… I am exactly where I am supposed to be right now.. the ironing, washing, folding and everything else can wait… it isnt’the end of the world. It has taken a long time for me to come to that kind of thinking. Even now I have pockets of mess in my house… they just have to wait because I can’t do it all. I can do what I can after I have spent time with the people I love and fulfilled their needs.
I am certainly keen to have a cleaner house, lose the baby weight, get some time to sew and scrapbook… but these are things that I can set aside for when they are the most important thing for me to do…
I plan to go and try to do some more of my 52 week simplify my life challenge… but today’s post in a nutshell I suppose is about the fact that just by changing my mindset… I really feel I have made huge progress in simplifying things.
Now… back to what is most important.. right now that is turning off my beeping oven… my cookies are done.. 😉

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